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Quality Assurance Pharmacist Job Description in Pharmaceuticals

In this post Quality Assurance Pharmacist Job Description in  Pharamceuticals Industriaies is given. All responsibilies and tasks are performed by Quality Assurance Manager.

Quality Assurance Pharmacist Job Description in Pharamceuticals

  • Annual Product Quality Review
  • Approve or reject drug products manufactured, process ed, packed, or held under contract by another company, i.e., ļ¬nal product release is not delegated to a contractor
  • Assisting other departments in day to day activities to ensure overall smooth production
  • Audit contract packaging sites to monitor and assure adherence to pharmaceutical quality system requirements.
  • Be independent review er and approver with respect to manufacturing and process/product development units
  • Check in process control.
  • Complete documentation required for regulatory agencies (SOP, SMP, Dossiers).
  • Completion of log books and BMRs.
  • Conducting periodic washing of Reverse Osmosis Plant to ensure availability of purified water for QC testing and Production processes
  • Conductional training programs for continual improvement of personnel.
  • Control and Reprocessing of non- conforming products.
  • Controls production process and production facilities .
  • Coordinate with the global GxP experts for their input in all GxP related matters.
  • Co-ordinate with the manufactured department in controlling their process and products at every stage of manufactured to meet the established specifications through testing, auditing and reporting.
  • Daily Calibration of weighing balances
  • Daily Sanitization Checklist
  • Daily temperature and humidity checks of different areas such as warehouse, production areas, quality control lab and finished goods store
  • Dealing all audits.
  • Dispensing of Raw and Packaging Materials.
  • Effective implementation of All SOPs on site.
  • Ensure facility compliance with cGMP and FDA regulations, best practices, and standards of quality.
  • Ensure in-process controls are performed during manufacturing operations and results are satisfactory
  • Ensure investigation is conducted and root cause is eliminated for production and control record errors , discrepancies , and failure to meet speciļ¬cation, including quality attributes
  • Ensure that procedures and speciļ¬cations are appropriate and followed  Ensure that appropriate manufacturing in-process controls are implemented
  • Ensure there is no conļ¬‚ict of interest between regulatory responsibilities and actual daily activities
  • Ensures conformance of manufacturing process es with organizational objectives and policies with the coordination of Production Executive/ Asstt. Manager Production.
  • Ensures that all production equipment’s are maintained in good working order.
  • Ensures the general cleanliness and hygienic conditions of the manufacturing areas.
  • Experience in Validation of manufacturing processes.
  • Finding regulatory answers to queries asked by European clients and Contract manufacturing organization (CDMO and CMOs).
  • Giving Line Clearances for different production processes such as dispensing, powder mixing and filling and packing operations
  • Handling of deviations.
  • Handling of market Complaints, product recall and Change Control Systems.
  • Handling The Documentation at Site related To Record Maintenance Of all GMP Documents Including SOPs, Protocols, Reports, STMs, BMRs and BPRs.
  • In-process samples taking and checks
  • Insure the organizational compliance to the relevant cGMPs.
  • Internal Quality Audits.
  • Involved in planning, Monitoring of diļ¬€erent manufacturing process , workers and their training.
  • Issuance, Retrieval & Tracking Of all Master Documents Records.
  • Keep current with good industry practices , and applicable  Audit for compliance to policies and procedures : on paper vs. practice
  • Line clearance in different sections
  • Line related to all operations on site like Dispensing, Manufacturing, and Filling & Packing Operations
  • Maintaining and reviewing of Batch Manufacturing Records and Standard Operating Procedures related to various products applicable to the facility.
  • Maintaining Annual departmental Training Records, TNAs.
  • Maintaining Issuance, Retrieval of All Logbooks on site.
  • Maintenance of Quality Control records of manufacturing procedures for each batch manufactured.
  • Makes sure the on job training of production personnel.
  • Manufacturing process and in process quality assurance in Tablet, Syrup, Capsule and all other section overprinting.
  • Mock Audit participation as scriber.
  • Monitors drugs manufacturing activities in compliance with the requirements of cGMP.
  • Observer in inspections, in particular, by SRA inspections.
  • Overall technical and administrative management of QA functions effectively & efficiently.
  • Plan and manage all the activities of the Quality assurance to assure the quality of all products manufactured by the company.
  • Played key role for Site readiness for Inspections
  • Preparation and review of labelling and other packaging material content
  • Preparation and review of product dossiers of sachet and tablets for Regulatory agencies products enlistment
  • Preparation and review of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for different Warehouse and Production areas
  • Preparation of S and P parts of the dossier.
  • Preparations and Review QA controlled documentation (SOP’s, batch records, working instructions).
  • Preparations of SOP’s, batch records, Working instructions, deviations,
  • Preparing PQRs (product quality Review) .
  • Process monitoring and Process control.
  • Production Record and documentation Review.
  • Raise deviation and fulfill it.
  • Receiving of raw materials and packaging materials according to standard operating procedures
  • Records of release, quarantine or rejection of components and finished products, containers, closures and labels based on Quality Control test results.
  • Responsible for complying GMP.
  • Responsible for Self Inspection & Internal audit plans.
  • Review and approve/reject any document that gives work instructions and set requirements such as procedures , protocols , test methods , and speciļ¬cations — including changes to these documents
  • Review and approve/reject production batch records and make the ļ¬nal decision to release a product lot into commerce.
  • Review and final release/approval of BMRs.
  • Review and preparation of batch release documentation.
  • Review and validate labeling and distribution documentation. Manage equipment calibration, qualification, and maintenance program.
  • Review complaints to determine if it relates to a failure to meet speciļ¬cation, if so investigate and report to concern manager  Report on product, process and system risks and keep management informed
  • Review of paper and electronic batch records on completeness, clarity and GMP compliance.
  • Review of production batch record.
  • Review of raw material related to documentation and release of raw Materials.
  • Reviewing and approving new formulations, labels, shelf life extensions, repacks and in-house preparations.
  • Sampling of Raw materials and check there related documents.
  • Supervising and conducting dispensing of raw materials for Production
  • Supervising mixing processes of Sachet and Tablet sections
  • Taking samples of raw materials and packaging materials for QC testing
  • Trouble shooting
  • Working in Tablet, capsule, syrup, dry And liquid injection, Ceph, Area, sachet and all other sections.
  • Write review, and approve Incidents ,deviations, RCA,  corrective and preventive actions, change controls, specifications, standard operating procedures, test methods, stability and process protocols, and test results.
  • Writing, reviewing and approving Quality documentation, including validation protocols and reports, change controls, Annual Product Quality Review and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) deviations.
  • Writing, reviewing and approving Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).