Applied Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics 7th Edition


Applied Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics 7th Edition

Applied Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics publisher represents over three decades in print. Since the introduction of classic pharmacokinetics in the first edition, the discipline has expanded and evolved greatly. The basic pharmacokinetic principles and biopharma-ceutics now include pharmacogenetics, drug recep-tor theories, advances in membrane transports, and functional physiology. These advances are applied to the design of new active drug moieties, manufacture of novel drug products, and drug delivery systems. Biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics play a key role in the development of safer drug therapy in patients, allowing individualizing dosage regimens and improving therapeutic outcomes. 

In planning for the seventh edition, we realized that we needed expertise for these areas. This sev-enth edition is our first edited textbook in which an expert with intimate knowledge and experience in the topic was selected as a contributor. We would like to acknowledge these experts for their precious time and effort. We are also grateful to our readers and colleagues for their helpful feedback and support throughout the years.

As editors of this edition, we kept the original objectives, starting with fundamentals followed by a holistic integrated approach that can be applied to practice (see scope and objectives in Preface to the first edition). This textbook provides the reader with a basic and practical understanding of the principles of biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics that can be applied to drug product development and drug ther-apy. Practice problems, clinical examples, frequently asked questions and learning questions are included in each chapter to demonstrate how these concepts relate to practical situations.


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