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Verification of weighing balance SOP

The complete procedure of Verification of weighing balance SOP is given in this post.

Verification of weighing balance SOP Purpose:

To lay down the procedure for verification of weighing balance.


The scope of this SOP applies to the verification of weighing balance.


It is the responsibility of Production Pharmacist (packaging) and Q.A inspector to ensure that this SOP is followed as it is written.

It is the responsibility of Production Manager, to ensure that this SOP is followed in its entirety, reviewed and update as necessary.


SOP: Standard Operating Procedure

Matrials & Equipment


Electrical weighing balance

5.1.2 Weights 50.00mg, 100.00mg, 200.00mg, 500.00mg, 1.00g, 2.00g, 5.00g, 10.00g, 20.00g, 50.00g, 100.00g, 200.00g, 500.00g, 1.00kg, 2.00kg, 5.00kg, 10.00kg, 20.00kg


Switch “ON” the electrical weighing balance.

Electrical balance displays the blink that changes to 0.000 after few seconds.

Press the “TARE” key if display is not stable and wait till the display shows 0.000.

Place a Weight of suitable capacity on the weighing pan and note the reading. It should be in the range of Acceptable Limits.

Repeat the above step using a weight of another suitable capacity. Its reading should also be in the range of Acceptable Limits.

Record the noted readings of electrical weighing balance.

In case of any variation, get it checked by maintenance department.